20, జనవరి 2017, శుక్రవారం

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (491 to 500)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (491 to 500)

W9:H1 general knowledge by rasp Sadhana (491 to 500)
 దేహం నిండా సందేహాలేఎందుకుఏమిటిఎప్పుడుఎక్కడఏదిదేనినిఎవరుఎవరినిఎప్పుడైతేఎవరైతేఎలా....?!?!?!...తెలుసుకుని బతకాలితెలియకుండా చావకూడదుబోళ్ళంత విజ్ఞానం మనకోసం. Many doubts are there in our body! Why, what, when, where, which, whom, whose, who, while, how...? Live after known, do not die without known; more knowledge and most surprising things are for us. ok!

General knowledge/ most surprising things :

491. Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.
Image result for Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.   Image result for Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.  Image result for Neutron stars Related image
 492. All of space is completely silent
Image result for All of space is completely silent     Image result for All of space is completely silent     Image result for All of space is completely silent
Image result for space silence    Image result for space silence
493. There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe.
Image result for There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe.  Image result for uncountable stars    Image result for uncountable stars
494. The Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon will probably stay there for at least 100 million years.
Image result for Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moonImage result for Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon
Image result for Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon
495. 99% of our solar system's mass is the sun
Image result for 99% of our solar system's mass is the sun
 496. More energy from the sun hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a year.
Image result for energy from sun   Image result for energy from sun
497. If two pieces of the same type of metal touch in space, they will bond and be permanently stuck together.
Image result for welding in space    Image result for welding in space
Image result for welding in space  Image result for welding in space
498. The biggest known star currently is UY Scuti, a bright red supergiant, located 9500 light years away in the Scutum constellation. It is more than 1,708 times the size of the Sun.
Related image   Image result for uy scuti  Image result for uy scuti
499. A popular comparison that can illustrate these numbers is this: There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches and deserts on Earth.
Image result for uy scuti   Image result for uy scuti
500. Milky Way has two major spiral arms that start at the central bar of stars, and slowly taper off. Our Solar system is located in one minor spiral arm called the Orion arm.
Related image
(Follow just for more knowledge and most surprising things by rasp Sadhana)

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